Tuesday, February 15, 2011

A good start...

I hope the week is off to a good beginning for everyone!

My husband works for a church, and unlike a common misconception, he works much more than just Sundays. Right now until they get a new staff member on board, he has a lot of evening obligations too. Since we aren't able to have a normal two-days off in a row weekend, sometimes our time as a family gets compressed into a few hours here, and a few hours there during the week.

But yesterday was a 100%  family day, and we had such a great time.

We made pink pancakes in the morning...

...which is going to have to be a new Valentine's Day tradition.

Then we went downtown to enjoy the gorgeous weather 
we had here in Charleston yesterday.

I will never get tired of walking around all the little alley ways and cobblestone streets. 
And when spring really moves in, and you get to peek through gates and fences
and see the secret, private gardens hidden behind the homes...it's heaven. I never want to move.

Enjoy your day friends!!

1 comment:

  1. You know I'm loving those gorgeous Chas photos! Hope you're having a GREAT week :)


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