Wednesday, September 28, 2011

I don't know much, But...

I do know this:

1. My daily outfit choice has less to do with what the weather or occasion is and more to do with the last time I shaved.     And how close I will need to get to people that day.      And how good their vision is.

2. Feta cheese makes everything taste better.

3. I'm really thankful for my weekly mom's group meet-up. If you're a new mom, or an expectant mom, or an old-pro mom, or an in the middle-ish mom, you need to make time to be with other ones. You do.

4. Home Owner's Association meetings. You learn a lot about people. That's all I'll say about that. I'd like to say more but I fear some of them might read my blog. And then report me to the new anonymous tip line (true story) for heinous neighborhood crimes like leaving my stroller on the front porch ;)

5. Going from a working every day and lots of weekends mom, to a working a few days a week mom, to doing my own freelance design almost entirely while being a stay-at-home mom has been....better and worse and easier and harder and more fun and less fun all at the same time.      But I know it's worth it.

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